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The Skopen Creative Indicator

The Creativity Indicator is the perfect audit tool to identify how well your organisation "thinks" it applies creativity within the way it operates (i.e. the intention). The Creative Indicator can be used to identify areas that need help or where the overall challenge within your business may lie.


How the report works.

We ask your team, department or organisation to feedback how well they have seen the organisation, team and colleagues implement commercial creativity. Skopen will provide a measure, out of 100, indicating the business's utilisation they qualities. 

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  1. You will receive your organisations overall Creative Indicator score

  2. You will receive an score for each Skopen's four commercial creativity qualities

  3. Your report will provide you with tailored insights based on your scores

  4. Your report will provide you with a set of recommendations for improving commercial creativity.

Completed in 10 days.

The Creative Indicator report can be organised and deliver 100% online. From confirmation of the order to the Creative Index report being supplied, Skopen can deliver this in as little as 10 working days. 

  • Secure upload of your data to a password protected portal.

  • Survey links emailed directly to your staff. Answers are 100% confidential.

  • Secure, password protected access to your Creative Index report (up to 1 month) from our portal.

What do we measure?

Skopen measures creativity across four different 'qualities' which have been researched and identified as the four biggest contributors to commercial creativity within any organisation. By utilising these qualities, businesses can understand how creative they are and therefore how prepared their organisation is to access innovative solutions and outcomes.

How much the Creative Indicator cost?

  • £2,500 + VAT for organisations up to 100 employees

  • £5,000+ VAT for organisations up to 250 employees

  • £7,500+ VAT for organisations over 250 employees.

Want more insight than the Creative Indicator Report?

If you are looking for something a little more in-depth, then you might be interested in the Skopen Creative Index. The Skopen Creative Index provides a more insightful, deeper report and also provides individual reports for each member of your team involved in the Index survey.

For an example report or more information, please contact us using the form below

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